Atomium 3003 [Audio CD] Various Artists

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Back in 1996, Bungalow unleashed its first pop compilation. Entitled, "Sushi 4400", it was a weird and wonderful selection of Japanese sounds collected together as an introduction to European ears. "Atomium 3003" is a similar experiment that focuses on off-key European music, a compilation that offers much from 11 countries including Italy, Russia and Norway. The listener is presented with everything from elegant kitsch and funk-flavoured floor wreckers to outrageous Euro cheese. Needless to say, it's an album that has a lot of time for fun, with plenty of humour (not to mention, great retro grooves!) running throughout. Tracks like "Chop Suey", "Theme From A Summer Place" and "Ride My Bike" help make this collection a must for those who like their club-pop music at its sleek, glossy, unabashed best. --Paul Sullivan