Hand To Hand Carlos is an aging, former toreador who has relented to his agent's idea of having him go "mano o mano" against his younger brother in the bullfight arena. The younger brother, Jose, has always looked up to his brother. Carlos is concerned his talented will be exlipsed by his sibling rival and he will lose his admiration. ----- TV Reader's Digest: The Brainwashing of John Hayes Vincent Price stars. In the Autumn of 1951, the communist Chinese government in Beijing decided it was time to take action against a group they had long feared and hated, the American Protestant missionaries. As one of their first targets, they chose the Reverend John Hayes who was a professor of English at the Chinese Teachers College. John Hayes was imprisoned and brutally tortured in an attempt to get him to sign a fals confession that he was an imperialist spy for the United States